Archive | February, 2011

BIG Changes on the Horizon

26 Feb

Hi loyal Bandbook users! We wanted to reach out and let all of you know that there are some very exciting things on the horizon for Bandbook. We promise, it isn’t just talk. Our team is working extremely hard an an entirely new that will knock your socks off.

Here are some of the things we are focusing on:

– Improving site usability
– Adding a whole slew of new features
– Expanding our features to also include tool sets for venues, musicians, promoters and fans
– Making the ability for users to connect easier and more social
– Allowing public profiles for all account types to be more dynamic and publicly visible
– Creating an entirely new Bandbook brand (we think it will be very memorable)
– Much, much more

Now that we have that out of the way, we’d love to open up the conversation to all of you loyal users. We obviously have plenty of our own ideas on how we can make the site much better, but we need your feedback as well. It is vital to the future success of the site.

So please, let us know what you want to see for the future of Bandbook. You can do it right in the comment section of this post.

We’ll be sure to post more updates as we have them. But for now, we’ll leave you with this sneak peak.